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The Final Flame

The Final Flame

To Rinpoche - Like a great boulder peering out over the valley below, surveying the land with it’s powerful concentrated gaze, all seeing, a monumental force of insight and courage, as if created by the earth itself, immovable and immune to discrepancy, you were like a foundation for us all. When one was needed to stand above the rest, to move when we couldn’t, to force out the best in all of us through inspired words and actions, you stood alone. Crazy wisdom, or wisdom crazy - why is it that only in hindsight can one truly appreciate that gifts one has been given? How could it be that through your passing from this world you have only grown stronger in my heart? I am only now coming to understand the great imprint that you have left in me, for my life has been forever changed by your presence, a path set out for me unlike anything I could have ever dreamed for myself. A grandiose adventure of the most incredible qualities, full of richness and joy, sorrow and learning, light and dark, love and loss, to deem this life full would be the understatement of a lifetime. Helping me to understand that to truly live one must be willing to risk it all, to stand for one’s beliefs and let one’s heart truly create your path, only when you are truly honest with yourself can you be truly honest with the world - and it is then, and only then that the world will open and bloom. To share even a moment of this life with you Rinpoche is a blessing and a gift more precious than anything I could explain, and while I can never have another moment next to you, your glowing heart and open mind will always be with me. Today may mark two years since you've left this realm, but your presence next to me is as strong as ever, never waning, ever growing, I carry you in my heart like it was yesterday. To my teacher who taught by walking the walk, leading by true example, never backing down from the truth, your willingness to go to the ends of the earth to teach us will never be forgotten. Like a light in the dark, a final flame, illuminating the path for all who could not see it alone. A guiding light in the dark, opening my heart, showing me how to stand with head held high. Rinpoche - thank you for always being my guiding light when all others have gone out. The Final Flame. Dhagpo Kagyu Ling
Collegium 1704 | Lamento della Ninfa (Claudio Monteverdi)

Collegium 1704 | Lamento della Ninfa (Claudio Monteverdi)

Collegium 1704 & Collegium Vocale 1704 Václav Luks - dirigent / conductor Hana Blažíková - soprán / soprano Ondřej Holub - tenor Čeněk Svoboda - tenor Jaromír Nosek - bas / bass Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643) Lamento della Ninfa SV 163 Non havea Febo ancora recato al mondo il dì ch’una donzella fuora del proprio albergo uscì. Sul pallidetto volto scorgease il suo dolor, spesso gli venia sciolto un gran sospir dal cor. Sì calpestando fiori, errava hor qua, hor là, i suoi perduti amori così piangendo va: Amor, dicea, il ciel mirando il piè fermò dove, dov’è la fé che ’l traditor giurò? Fa che ritorni il mio amor com’ei pur fu, o tu m’ancidi, ch’io non mi tormenti più. Miserella, ah più no, tanto gel soffrir non può. Non vo’ più ch’ei sospiri se non lontan da me, no, no, che i suoi martiri più non dirammi, affé! Perché di lui mi struggo tutt’orgoglioso sta, che sì, che sì se ’l fuggo ancor mi pregherà? Se ciglio ha più sereno colei che’l mio non è, già non rinchiude in seno Amor si bella fé. Né mai si dolci baci da quella bocca havrai, né più soavi; ah, taci, taci, che troppo il sai. Sì tra sdegnosi pianti spargea le voci al ciel; così ne’ cori amanti mesce Amor fiamma e gel. The god Phoebus had still to light the great fires of the dawn when the nymph left her dwelling. Her face a pale temple in its ruins of grief; her cries – a heart, rending. Hither and thither she went, stumbling through flowers, grieving the love she had lost: Hear me, O Love, she begged the heavens, – stock still now, rooted to the spot – what happened to that traitor’s vow, togetherness and trust? Poor girl, no more can she suffer such grief. I just want him back, but as he was before. If you cannot – then kill me; I cannot bear this agony. If I were to flee from him, the proud one, perhaps then he might come begging? Her eyebrows may be arched more perfectly than mine, but sealed within my breast lives a faithfulness still fairer. Her mouth will never open to give such kisses as I can give! Hush! Say nothing – you know only too well! With these cries she cast her anguish to the heavens. And so it is that in the heart of every lover burns, side-by-side, love’s flame and ice. Foibos dosud nepřinesl nové jitro světu, když z domu vyběhla dívka v plném krásy květu. V její sinalé tváři bolest stopy zanechala a další chvíle zas nový vzdech jí vyrvala z hrudi. Květiny pošlapala, když bezcílně pobíhala, a lásku svou ztracenou takto zaklínala: Lásko, s pohledem k nebi vzdychla strnule, kde je věrnost, již mi ten zrádce sliboval? Vrať mi miláčka, ale takového, jaký býval, anebo mě zabij, ať nemusím se dál trápit. Já ubohá už nesnesu víc žalu! Nechci už vzdychat, kdykoli se ke mně přiblíží, ne, nechci už se soužit a dál se trýznit! Trápí mě snad, že on je pyšně povznesen? Co když mu uprchnu, vrátí se ponížen? Jen ať má ta druhá řasy krásnější než ty mé, v její hrudi láska nezrodila city upřímné. Ach ústa, sladší rty než ty mé už neokusíte, konec je něžnostem; mlčte, dobře to víte. Tak mezi bolestnými vzdechy k nebi pozvedla hlas, právě tak v srdci milujícím láska mísí oheň a mráz. ***** Zvuk a hudební režie / Sound engineering: Libor Mašek Video production and direction: Tokpa Korlo ( Místo / Place: Pražská křižovatka (kostel sv. Anny) ***** Můžete nás podpořit / You can support us:
Fly Like An Eagle

Fly Like An Eagle

Dear friends, I present to you, for the first time ever, the amazing and epic journey of Lama Ole’s first visit to Mongolia! Such are the greatest conditions for self exploration: start with one part wild and wondrous Ole, add in a small group completely out of contact with the outside world; no internet, phone, or electricity. Then cut the cord for four days and just melt into the beauty and space that is around you. We let our minds fly free, soaring like eagles over the outrageous landscape of rocky mountains and color drenched skies. It was an incredible, wild and rowdy, breathtaking, bumpy, jumpy, exhausting, and richly powerful experience that has truly changed my life. It was a great journey to the heart center of Mongolia, but to my heart center as well. Letting my mind soar like an eagle, and getting lost in those incredible Mongolian clouds above. This film is for all of you. I filmed it, wrote all the music, edited and put it together from scratch with my bare hands and heart so that all could enjoy and understand the deep significance of this trip for Lama Ole - and for Dharma the world over. It is a labor of love, completely devoid of perfection. It is a true and honest representation of what we all went through together, bumps and all. I wish to thank Lama Ole for his wondrous humor, inspiration and energy, and for his incredible support in the making of this film. It is my wish to make it available to all of you, because why else make a movie if everyone and anyone can’t have a chance to see it? So, use the link below to download it, keep for yourself, and send it to anyone and everyone. Show it in your homes and your centers, have a movie night with friends, watch it as many times as you want. It is yours. Help me share this film, help me share Ole’s message and the incredible journey we all shared together. It was an epic and historic trip, one that will never happen again in this life. For the first time ever: Fly Like An Eagle - Lama Ole In Mongolia!!
The Road To Kalimpong

The Road To Kalimpong

I remember it like it was yesterday. The crimson clad gently cradling your body, slowly coming down those steps, your Kudung draped and covered in shining yellow satin in the early morning sun. Roses of red upon the streets, covering your chariot, your final carriage, the heavy sadness in the air pervading like a mist of grief. Tears shed, prayers made, the final voyage of a Dharma King. I remember your words echoing in my mind - as your body passed by, your voice speaking directly into my heart. Of impermanence and letting go, pervading my grief stricken and emotion filled heart, we all struggling along, trying our best to stay upright and afloat. I remember the lines of brilliant color and the beating of drums when we arrived in Bagdogra. The thousands upon thousands that lined the road as we made our way slowly up and down the forested winding jungle path to Kalimpong. From all walks of life, from all lineages and traditions, united in concentrated devotion as your final caravan passed by. Even in passing you are teaching me more about myself and the true nature of this precious life than anyone ever has, or likely ever will. Even in passing you are more my teacher, my spiritual friend, and my guide and as you will ever be. Even in these old images, the shaking camera, out of focus and searching the crowd, my earliest attempts to chronicle what was passing before my eyes. I am haunted, humbled and inspired by these powerful memories, by the history that it was to become. Even in passing you have grown stronger in my heart. The final chariot of a Dharma King, the raw inception of my new life. Your final goodbye briskly pushing me out into the world wether I was ready or not. Your final voyage, my most humble of beginnings. The epic journey that started it all, my deepest respect and endless gratitude. The Road To Kalimpong. Dhagpo Kagyu Ling #karmapa KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute
A City Full Of Light

A City Full Of Light

To my dearest family of Singapore - I am delighted to finally present to the world my film from Karmapa's 2014 visit to your incredible city. A city full of light, technology and wild amazing color, made ever more brilliant and glowing with the presence of His Holiness mixed with all those who made this event possible through their endless devotion and efforts. Karmapa was in incredible form and humor, compassion and love - this was equally met with your warmth and genuine joy with which you gave to all aspects of the time we spent together. I was so touched from the moment I arrived, the incredible open hearted kindness I experienced from the Sangha just took my breath away. This film was a true labor of love - with all its intricacies and details, I strived to re-create the feelings I experienced while filming it, while experiencing it - to bring these memories to life in the way that I remember them. A wild explosion of color, a remarkable gathering of our Dharma Family, an endless array of events, ceremonies, journeys and historical passings that I can only hope I was able to catch it all. It was an honor to be a part of this, a great privilege to attend, a great learning curve of moments proportions; and for all the time spent since trying to bring this to fruition - I offer this film with all I have in my heart in the hopes that it can be a token of my appreciation to you all. I wish to thank Shangpa Rinpoche for his amazing kindness towards me, and for trusting in me to document his vision, to complete this magnum opus of projects in the name of his new center. His support and patience with this cannot be overstated and I will forever be grateful to him. To the volunteers, community and Sangha of KKBC Singapore, you were beyond wonderful to me, you treated me like one of the family, and I will always cherish this time I got to spend with you all. Thank you Singapore, for as a city you were more than ample in your generosity to give us all such a wondrous setting for such an incredible, wild and amazing ride. And so, finally - I humbly present: a City Full of Light! Karmapa Shangpa Rinpoche Karma Kagyud Buddhist Centre Singapore #karmapa #DharmaFamilyUnited
With A Sad Heart Full Of Joy

With A Sad Heart Full Of Joy

To Rinpoche, I miss you terribly, each and every day. With a sad heart I feel the loss and the distance, though the power of your example continues to shine in my mind. With a heart full of joy I remember fondly your smile and laugh - contagious in their energies they inspired those around you and the world in its entirety. With each waking breath I strive to continue to put what you taught me to work - I am only beginning to see but a sliver of what you tried to show me. With a sad but glowing heart full of joy I remember the moments with you - for they will live on in my memories. To share even a moment of this life with you Rinpoche was a blessing and a gift more precious than anything I could explain in words. While I can never have another moment next to you, your glowing heart and open mind will always be with me. To my teacher who taught by walking the walk, Leading by example, Never backing down from the truth, Your willingness to go to the ends of the earth to teach us will never be forgotten. It is with a sad heart full of joy that I can say I knew you in this life - however little that may be - it was a gift beyond measure. It is with a sad heart full of joy that I say goodbye once more. Like a light in the dark, illuminating the path for all of us, who could not see it alone. A guiding light in the dark, opening my heart, showing me how to stand with head held high. Rinpoche - thank you for always being my guide, a guiding light when all others have gone out.
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